Wow Plus Homage
(works like this)
(works like this)
1. wowitize a Homage to your community!
2. consult with our artists on custom design work (optional).
3. get some Wow! that honors your town.
2. consult with our artists on custom design work (optional).
3. get some Wow! that honors your town.
1. Wowitize a product!
Choose a Wow! print.
choose something to add Wow! to
we offer anything from the extensive collection of merchandise of cafe press
we also Wowitize anything else we can.
2. Do custom design work (optional).
Tell our artists what type of art you want representing. Something athletic, artsy, contemporary, emo, tell us.
Tell our artists what type of art you want representing. Something athletic, artsy, contemporary, emo, tell us.
our artists will work with you, putting forth suggestions and asking for clarification, so you can represent in fashion.
3. get Wow! for your town.